One Low, All-Inclusive Price.

Get Your No-Risk, No Obligation Free Trial Now.
You can try us for free. No strings attached. Then, we have just one low, all-inclusive price.
We charge simply by how long we're with your pet. The first 15 minutes are just $14.95. Plus, our all-inclusive pricing means that whatever you want us to do in that time is 100% covered. No charge for a second dog either.
We can also visit for 30, 45, or 60 minutes for just a few dollars more.
As you can see, we're a great value. So, go ahead and give us a try.
Compare Us And See How We Offer More Than The Competition.

Here's how the free trial works:
For dog walks and runs: At no cost to you, we'll visit your home to learn more about you and your dog. Plus, while we're there, we'll also take Fido out on a free walk/run for 15 minutes to see how he/she reacts. Not only is this some free exercise for your dog, but it's also a great way to evaluate their behaviors so we can tell you exactly how we think we can best help you.
For dog/cat/pet sitting: At no cost to you, we'll visit your home to learn more about you and your pet(s). Plus, on the first visit while you're away, the initial 15 minutes are free (a $14.95 value!).
For house sitting and other services: At no cost to you, we'll visit your home to learn more about you and your needs. Plus, on our first service visit, the initial 15 minutes are free (a $14.95 value!).