Corporate Partners.
Add us to your benefits package. For Free.
Did you know that about 66% of all US households have pets? That means that more than half of all the employees at your company probably have a dog, cat, or some other animal at home! So, why not add the Dogs Love Running! pet care service to your corporate benefits package?
Here's how it works:
We'll work with your company's owner, HR manager, or other supervisor to put together a package where our dog walking/running, and general pet sitting, boarding, and daycare services can be available to your company's employees via your own private company web page - and possibly at "preferred" pricing.
Then, when a company employee wants to use us, they can review our information, contact us via email or a toll-free call, and immediately set up their service.
Wouldn't this be great to have available when employees have to travel and/or otherwise put in long hours at the office? Knowing that the pets are taken care of removes a huge obstacle to workers' productivity and that overriding feeling of guilt that comes with having to get home ASAP to let the dog out.
And using our services via a corporate package isn't just restricted to "business use" either. Going away for vacation, need us for a weekend trip, or want us for daily walks/runs? We'll be glad to help.
How to get started:
If you're an employee of a company, contact us now. We'll talk with you about how we can get in touch with the right people at your organization who can put this program in place for you.
If you're the owner of a company, HR Director, or other manager, contact us now. We'll work together to develop a customized plan that suits your employees perfectly.