We're In Demand.
Pets are a great business.
In the United States...- 2 out of every 3 homes have a pet
- There are 86 million cats and 78 million dogs
- There are 50 million small-animal pets and 150 million fish
- We spend $50+ Billion on pets and pet services/products every year
- $3.5+ Billion is spent directly on the types of pet services that Dogs Love Running! provides
Obviously, the pet industry is booming. That’s partly because pets are becoming more and more important in the family structure. They're not a luxury. They're a necessity. And so pet owners are doing more to care for and comfort their pets.
That means that many people are increasingly interested in having a company like Dogs Love Running! visit their pet at their own home. These customers are often those who have pets that:
- are hyperactive and need lots of exercise
- are sometimes in a crate
- may display negative behavior problems because of pent-up energy
- often whine or pace due to boredom
- are alone most of the day
- are overweight or need to get into and/or stay in shape
- have too much or not enough energy
They’re typically pet owners who would love to pay us because:
- we’re a great alternative to daycare centers that may be over-crowded, inconvenient, and potentially dangerous for their pet
- they just don’t have enough time to give their dog the proper amount or quality of exercise
- they work long hours or are otherwise away from home most of the day
- they travel for business or pleasure
- they need to leave home unexpectedly and need our emergency help
Many different types of people are our customers. It doesn’t matter if they’re old or young, male or female, wealthy or not-so-wealthy, city dwellers or suburbanites. If they’re pet lovers, they’ll love what you can do for them.